Date: 11 Feb, 2025   Time:
«   February 2025   »

I am honored to be the new President of HKSSM in 2012.

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Our Society is dedicated to promoting clinical practice, knowledge and training in Sleep Medicine in Hong Kong.


Tribute to Dr. William C. Dement


Announcement: World Sleep Society Sleep Examination / Third Fellowship Examination of Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine

Dear members,

We are excited to announce our society’s third fellowship examination in collaboration with the World Sleep Society (WSS). This will be a standard WSS Sleep Examination held in Hong Kong. Members passing this examination will be awarded “Certified International Sleep Specialist”, as well as becoming the Fellow of the HKSSM. Unfortunately, this will be your personal achievement and your international recognition at the moment, as both are not quotable qualifications in Hong Kong.

The WSS has stringent eligibility criteria for countries with structured sleep training programs. For countries or regions without structured programs, WSS has allowed some flexibilities. HKSSM will follow the guidance from the WSS on their eligibility criteria for us.

The deadline for application is on 6th February, 2025.

Please refer to our announcement letter for the details.

[Sleep Exam Announcement Letter]

[2025 HKSSM Fellowship Exam Application Form]

The World Sleep Congress (WSC) 2025 will be held in Singapore on 5th to 10th September, 2025.

To encourage our members to attend international sleep meetings and sharing, HKSSM is delighted to offer sponsorship for four members (2 full members and 2 associate members) to participate in the WSC 2025.

Full member sponsorship criteria:
  1. Young fellow of 40 years old or below
  2. Active member of HKSSM (at least 2 years of membership)
  3. Priority will be given with poster or presentation in the Congress
Associate member sponsorship criteria:
  1. Nurses, allied health or sleep technicians
  2. Active member of HKSSM (at least 2 years membership)
  3. Priority will be given with poster or presentation in the Congress
The sponsorship will be at a maximum of HKD 20,000 per person, which includes:
  1. Registration of the World Sleep Congress
  2. Accommodation
  3. Air-ticket
Sponsored members have to retain the tickets and receipts for reimbursement.

Interested members please fill in the attached form and reply to me (email: on or before 15th February, 2025. The council will review the application(s) and prioritize according to the pre-set criteria and the results shall be released by April, 2025 via email. The application is subject to resource availability.

Download Application Form

Event:The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2024
Date:3 November 2024 (Sunday)
Venue: Level 3, Grand Ballroom, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers

The website of ASSM interim meeting is now available and the call for abstracts is open as below. Members who are interested in attending the event can apply for sponsorship subjecting to eligibility and availability.

Event:The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
Date:11 November 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 09:30-16:40
Venue: Silverbox Ballroom, Level 1, Hotel ICON

Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 Recorded Lectures

25th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting

World Sleep Academy

World Sleep Society is pleased to announce the launch of World Sleep Academy, an online education program offering high-quality, accessible training in sleep medicine worldwide. Enrollment opens today for the first course starting on September 1, 2022. Applications to enroll in World Sleep Academy are being accepted now through August 15.

Kindly find more information at

RTHK programme 精靈一點: 睡眠醫學


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 Recorded Lectures

HKSSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
Date: 16 October 2021 (Saturday)
Time: 1:00pm - 5:05 pm
Format: Virtual
  • Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy and Its Role in Sleep Surgery Decision
  • Trajectories and Impact of Sleep Disordered Breathing from Childhood to Adulthood
  • Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
  • COVID-19: An Opportunity To Reset Attitudes and Habits Surrounding Sleep
  • Insomnia in Adolescence: Treatment and Prevention
  • Post Pandemic Sleep Services
  • Sleep and Airway Diseases
  • Please click the sign up link for registration on or before 5 October 2021 (Tue).
  • Registration is FREE.
  • Zoom Personal link will be sent to registered participants by email after 7 October 2021.
  • Meeting ID and password are not required for Zoom Personal link.
Please click here for details.

(1) CME / CNE / AAST- CEC are in application.
(2) You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the lecture:
(3) Please login 5-10 minutes before the online lecture time with your full name, email address and college(s) e.g. Chan Tai Man (PSY)
(4) Please mute your mic during the lecture
(5) Please fill in and return the Online Evaluation Form which will be shared to you by email on 18 Oct 2021 (Monday)

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting September 2021
Title: COVID-19 and Sleep
Speaker: Dr. Steven Chau, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, CUHK
Chairperson: Dr. Joey Chan, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, CUHK
Date: 1 September 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Meeting ID: 998 0571 3730
Password: 701612
CME point pending

*If you would like to apply CME point, please click the following sign-up link BEFORE the meeting:

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time with your full name and College(s) for CME point, e.g. Chan Tai Man (PSY)
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii. Please fill in and return the Online Evaluation Form which will be shared to you by email on 2 September 2021 (Thursday) for CME point

Information on recent safety news of CPAP/NIV machines:

Sleep and respiratory care update | Philips

As this recall is applied to U.S. only, please contact the respective Hong Kong retailers for further action needed.

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting June 2021
Title: Management of OSAS : Experience of an otolaryngologist
Speaker: Dr. Lee Chi Chung, Associate Consultant, Department of ENT, Yan Chai Hospital
Chairperson: Dr. Yeung Yat Bong, Private Otorhinolaryngologist
Date: 23 June 2021
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Meeting ID: 990 6734 1118
Password: 977885
CME point pending

*If you would like to apply CME point, please click the following sign-up link before the meeting:

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time with your full name and College(s) for CME, e.g. Chan Tai Man (PSY)
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii. Please fill in and return the Online Evaluation Form which will be shared to you by email on 24 June 2021 (Thursday) for CME point

OSAsia 2021

The first conference of OSAsia will be held on 27-28 March 2021. This virtual conference is organized by Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine and registration is free. Local speakers including Prof Mary Ip, Prof Albert Li and Dr Choo Kah Lin will be speaking. You are all invited to take part in this learning platform.

Conference Website:
Free registration:

After register, the virtual conference link will be provided during Mar. 23-25.
The virtual conference will be delivered by ZOOM, please visit:

If there is any question, please feel free to contact with conference secretary:
OSAsia Conference Secretariat
王心慧 ▏Celine Wang
Tel: +886-7-285-0878
Fax: +886-7-287-3590
Mobile: +886-917-551-751

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting March 2021
Title: Paroxysmal motor events during sleep in children
Speaker: Dr. Christy Shuk-Kuen Chau, Associate Consultant, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, QMH
Dr. Alvin Ho, Associate Consultant, Department of Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, QMH
Chairperson: Dr. June Chan, Paediatrician, Private practice
Date: 24 March 2021
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Meeting ID: 938 9515 6238
Password: 690160
CME point pending

*If you would like to apply CME point, please click the following sign-up link before the meeting:

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time with your full name and College(s) for CME, e.g. Chan Tai Man (PSY)
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii.Please fill in and return the Online Evaluation Form which will be shared to you by email on 25 March 2021 (Thursday) for CME point

ASSM 2021 - Young Investigator Award and Youth Travel Award

The 3rd Sleep Congress of Asian Society of Sleep Medicine (ASSM 2021) will be held on May 14-17, 2021 in Beijing International Hotel Convention Center, China. ASSM 2021 is going both ONSITE and VIRTUAL, which will be more accessible than ever before.

ASSM 2021 offers YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD and YOUTH TRAVEL AWARD to young scholar participants. To qualify for the awards, please register ASSM 2021 and submit your abstract online no later than April 01, 2021 at Please also invite young scholars, trainees, and students in your group to take this opportunity to share their works with others and bid for the award.

Guideline for Awards Application
1. Applicants meet at least ONE of the following conditions is eligible to apply for YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD or YOUTH TRAVEL AWARD: Undergraduate Student or postgraduate student; Within5 years after graduation from the highest degree; Under or at the age of 35 years old.

2. Recommendation Letter containing the referee’s contact information and signature is required to submit at or after abstract submission. Applicants should upload the recommendation letter at "Personal Centre"-"Abstract Submission" on the congress website no later than April 1, 2021.

3. Accepted abstracts are official communications to the ASSM 2021. The presenting author agrees to register attend the congress and present the abstracts as scheduled. The presenting author must register at the time of acceptance of the abstract. Abstracts accepted with no registered participants will be declined.

4. Awarding will be based on rankings given by a peer review of experts in the associated subspecialties. The decision is final and no appeal is allowed.

5. The winners for Young Investigation Award and Youth Travel Award will receive an amount of USD 300 and USD 500, respectively.

6. Submission Process: All abstracts must be submitted online at the congress website at The online submission site provides additional directions and prompts submitters to enter the required information.

ASSM 2021 Organizing Committee Secretariat

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting December 2020
Title: Bariatric surgery and peri-operative care of OSA patients
Speaker: Dr. Anson Fung, Associate Consultant, Department of Surgery, QEH
Dr. Lau Wing-yan, Tiffany, Resident Trainee, Department of Medicine, QEH
Chairperson: Dr. CK Ng, Consultant, Department of Medicine, QEH
Date: 15 December 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 20:00 - 20:45
Meeting ID: 969 7912 4654
Password: 838265
CME point pending

*If you would like to apply CME point, please click the following sign-up link before the meeting:

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time with your full name and College(s) for CME, e.g. Chan Tai Man (PSY)
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii. Please fill in and return the Online Evaluation Form which will be shared to you by email on 16 December 2020 (Wednesday) for CME point

We are pleased to inform you that HKSSM is an Associate Member of the World Sleep Society and our members are offered complimentary access to the World Sleep Virtual Meeting to be held on 3-5 Dec 2020. Simply registered as a member of the Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine to enjoy the free access.

Registration could be done at: World Sleep 2021 Virtual Meeting | (

World Sleep 2021 Virtual Meeting
December 3-5, 2020 Save the date to join us online to hear the latest in sleep medicine and research during this multi-day online event hosted by World Sleep

HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting 2020 (Virtual)

As a supporting organization, the 23rd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting (virtual), which is organized by Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, will be held on 1 November 2020 .

The registration for the Meeting is opened for FREE. Please click to the link below to fill in your registration details.

You may find the attached Meeting poster for the comprehensive programme.


Should you need further information about the Meeting, please contact HKSPRA by phone at (852) 2559 9973 or email to

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting October 2020
Title: Sleep deprivation and Pain
Speaker: Dr. Chan Joey Wing Yan
Chairperson: Dr. Joyce Lam
Date: 20 October 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 20:00 - 20:45
Meeting ID: 984 6977 5927
Password: 114777
CME point pending

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii. CME sign-up link will be provided at the end of lecture

HKSSM Online Clinical Meeting July 2020
Title: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and its associations with otological symptoms and laryngeal reflux disease
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Ho Shi Yeung
Chairperson: Dr. Joseph Chung
Date: 14 July 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 20:00 - 21:00
Meeting ID: 554 600 2804
Password: 010420
CME 1 point

Please click here for details.

You could download the software (Zoom) in the appropriate links below before the meeting:

i. Please login 5-10 minutes before the lecture time
ii. Please mute your mic during the lecture
iii. CME sign-up link will be provided at the end of lecture
HKSSM Clinical Meeting December 2017
Topic:Head and Neck Tumour as Unusual Causes of Paediatric OSA: Case Presentation and Review
Speaker:Dr Christy Chau, Department of Paediatric and Dr Birgitta Wong, Department of Surgery, QMH
Date:13 December 2017 (Wednesday)
Time:18:30 - 19:30
Venue:Seminar Room 1, M/F, HAHO, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
CNE 1 point
CME pending

Please click here for details.

HKSSM Clinical Meeting August 2017

Topic:Obstructive Sleep Apnoea - The Otolaryngologist's Perspective
Speaker:Dr Victor Abdullah, COS, Department of ENT, UCH
Chairman:Dr Yeung Yat Bong
Date:21 August 2017 (Monday)
Time:18:30 - 19:30
Venue:Seminar Room 2, M/F, HAHO, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
CME(pending) & CNE are available

Please click here for details.

HKSSM Pre-meeting Courses & Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

This year, we are going to have two pre-meeting courses and ASM.
We invite distinguished speakers & professors to give their up-to-date knowledge in sleep medicine, including Prof Atul Malhotra from UC San Diego.

Date:23 September, 2017 (Saturday)
Time:9:00 am - 17:00 pm
Venue:26/F, Churchill Room, The Park Lane Hotel, 310 Gloucester Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Accredited for CNE: Pre-meeting course 2 points each; 3 points for ASM
CME and AAST application are in progress

Registration fees:
  Members (HK$) Non-members (HK$)
Pre-meeting Course 1 500 600
Pre-meeting Course 2 500 600
Pre-meeting Course 1& 2 800 1000
ASM (Doctors) Free 400
ASM (Nurses, Allied Health) Free 200

Deadline of application: 1 Sept 2017

[ Download Poster and Registration Form ]

HKSSM Clinical Meeting May 2017

Topic:When APAP Titration Fails
Speaker:Dr. SUM Chun-yue, Kevin, Resident Specialist & Mr. CHIU Chi-fong, Terry, Associated MedicalTechnologist, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Date:24 May 2017 (Wednesday)
Time:18:30 - 19:30
Venue:Seminar Room 1, M/F, HAHO, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
CME(pending) & CNE are available

Please click here for details.

World Sleep Day 2017

The Hong Kong Society of Sleep Medicine will host public talks and media interviews to foster and promote the public's awareness and understanding of common sleep disorders.

World Sleep Day,by the Heng Sang Management College, 5th Cultural fun society.
嚴防腦力受損 提升睡眠質素
Education program in promoting sleeping hygiene in Hong Kong
失眠?有辦法!HKSSM Public Talk 12 March 2017

HKSSM Clinical Meeting February 2017

Topic:Sleep disorders co-morbid with OSAS: Cases and PSG sharing
Speaker:Dr. Joyce Lam, Associate consultant & Mr. Crover Ho, Chief Technologist, Department of Psychiatry, Shatin Hospital
Date:8 February 2017 (Wednesday)
Time:18:30 - 19:30
Venue:Seminar Room 1, M/F, HAHO, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
CME(pending) & CNE are available

Meeting Poster Here

  News Archives
快入睡貼士 睡前兩三小時停玩手機
你要知:Jet lag瞓唔到, 3招擊退時差反應
Clinical Meeting Dec 2024
Clinical Meeting Sep 2024
Clinical Meeting Jun 2024
Clinical Meeting Aug 2019
Clinical Meeting May 2019
Clinical Meeting Mar 2019
Clinical Meeting Dec 2018
Clinical Meeting May 2018
Clinical Meeting Feb 2018
HKSSM Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
有覺好眠 HKSSM Public talk on 22 SEP 2019
睡眠窒息症 HKSSM Public talk on 23 Jun 2019